Spotlite: A Personal Web Site Astro starter
An elegant, clean and surprisingly feature full personal web site template written in Astro, Alpine, UnoCSS and Iconify.
Spotlite is a beautiful personal website template built with Astro and UnoCSS, inspired by a similar sounding template from the Tailwind CSS team. Best of all, it’s open source (MIT licence) so feel free to use and modify it!
It uses the following technologies:
- Astro
- Alpine.js
- Typescript
- Prettier
- ESLint
- UnoCSS
preintegrated- Heroicons and SVG Logos preloaded via Iconify
It features:
- A homepage featuring photos, links to blog articles, and a career history.
- An About page that can be edited in Markdown and featuring a profile photo and social media links.
- An Articles page linking to blog articles.
- A Projects page showcasing a portfolio of items with descriptions, images and links.
- A Creations page showcasing linkable artefacts.
- A Uses page providing a bragging list of products and tools used.
Spotlite uses all the latest and greatest features in Astro (>2.5.0) including:
- optimised assets
- dala and content collections
- endpoints
- sitemap
It’s production-ready and easy to customize, making it the perfect starting point for your own personal website.
It’s also simple to deploy on Netlify or similar.